1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the scicomm.xyz moderators.

  1. Be civil, polite, and respectful in your posts and replies.
  2. Read the full list of rules and acceptable behaviour and content standards. These are available at: https://about.scicomm.xyz
  3. Use the Content Warning (CW) feature for your posts when necessary. If you are not sure, do it anyway: treat it like a 'Subject' header for your message. More info: https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=info:cws
  4. Avoid cross-posters wherever possible. If you do use a cross-poster then be sure to maintain regular direct engagement with your account here. More info: https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=info:about_bots
  5. No language or imagery which is spam or advertising, harassing, pornographic, violent, xenophobic, nationalistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory.
  6. No bots. This instance is for humans only. More info: https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=info:about_bots
  7. Include an image description to all images. The description should describe the content of the image. More info: https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=info:image_descriptions
  8. Do not use URL shortening services. Always include the full URL in your posts, copied from the address bar of your browser. All URLs count as 23 characters in your post regardless of their length, long or short. More info: https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=info:url_shorteners
  9. You will not conduct bulk recording or archiving of material from this instance without specific written consent from all users and the administration and moderation team, i.e. do NOT scrape this instance's data.
  10. >>> IMPORTANT: READ ME! <<< Before you proceed, please visit https://about.scicomm.xyz/doku.php?id=newaccounts to understand our account registration and approval process. If you do not understand the process then your account request may be rejected.